Friday, January 27, 2012

Is Kenya or Africa in Leadership Crisis?

Year 2012 still recycling the same leaders!! :(

Guys it's very interesting that right now in Kenya we are in an election year and looking at the possible people varying for leadership post in this years Kenyan election, its makes me wonder.. ARE WE OUT OF LEADERS? When are we young people going to be leaders? or the so called "leaders of tomorrow" doesn't exist, for the literal meaning their is no tomorrow...

For instance look at this interesting observation...Sounds like a joke, but... 45 years ago, Kibaki and Michuki were in the Kenyan Cabinet and J. F. Kennedy was running for President in the USA. Obama was only 1 year old.

45 years later, Kibaki and Michuki are still in cabinet, and Obama is PRESIDENT for the same seat Kennedy was running for. In 45 years, USA have had Johnson, Carter, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Clinton, Bush 1 and Bush 2 in between as presidents but in Kenya the same guys in their 70's and 80's are still trying to tell Kenyans they can make development models that work?

Makes me wonder, Is something seriously wrong with Kenyans? Or is something wrong with Africa? (looking at the likes of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea, President Jose Eduardo dos Santos of Angola, President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and the list is still growing)

May be something is wrong with me too! Am i the only one seeing this?

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