Wednesday, February 3, 2010

reBlog from Emeka Okafor: Timbuktu Chronicles

I found this fascinating quote today:

The garden around Quaye's house has a variety of crops, including cassava and potatoes. The women set basket traps in the nearby swamp to catch fish. "We get a lot of fish during the raining season," one of the teenage girls said. "That's what we cook." Growing up here, I remember backyard gardens were common in many parts of Monrovia, especially the suburbs. There were plots of land with all sorts of crops, especially traditional vegetables such as bitter bulbs, onions and peppers. But people also planted rice, Liberia's staple. Potato greens that make a delicious local sauce were cut out of backyard gardens and almost never bought from markets. My brothers and I had one of these gardens.Emeka Okafor, Timbuktu Chronicles, Jan 2010

You should read the whole article.

1 comment:

  1. Kisara is asking, is the problem of Africa not being able to feed its citizen due to the lack of food or lack of entitlement? Hope Amartya Sen rings a bell in your mind as you read this article by Emeka
